Monday, January 4, 2016

1.3.2016 - Chicken Soup

It has been cold here, colder than I like. When it gets cold that means it's time for chicken soup.
 My Italian husband's family have made this soup since long before I came into the family. My kids wait for the cold every year because they know it will be time for chicken soup. This recipe is very simple but give yourself 2-3 hours to complete.

Here are the ingredients:

1 whole chicken (make sure you remove the inerds)
1 lb. bag of carrots
2 bunches of celery
1 medium onion
salt and pepper to taste

In a large pot boil and salt water. When water is boiling drop in the whole chicken, let cook for about 45 minutes (depending on size of chicken).
While the chicken is cooking, chop celery, carrots and onions. Set aside until chicken is done.
                                                       Remove chicken from pot.
 Let your chicken cool for a few minutes as to not burn your fingers.

Add vegetables to pot and debone your chicken. Salt and pepper to taste.
Cook until vegis are cooked.

OK. Now, here comes the Italian part!
Boil a pan of water for your Pastina. What is Pastina, you ask? As my nephew calls it, the little pasta balls.
That is basically, exactly what it is. Boil some water and add the amount of Pastina you want to go in your soup. ( I always cook too much, leftovers!)
This is what I usually buy but you can use just about any kind of pasta. Elbow, shells anything small will work.
You can usually find these in the Italian section of the grocery store. There are also some similar ones in the Mexican section.

This much soup makes enough to feed probably 8 people with maybe some leftovers. It really all depends on the size pot you use and how big a chicken and how many vegis you put in also. It is really up to you.

I have put meatballs in my soup before also. It takes a bit longer when you do this but it really is good. I won't put the recipe for meatballs in on this post but if you decide to add them they should only be the size of large marbles.

I hope you enjoy this soup as much as my family does.  Good Luck!

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