Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A good day, indeed!

I have been very neglectful in writing on my blog. It has been a crazy first part of the summer. We are basically "empty-nesters"! Yea, right!

I have been studying Proverbs this month and I can't tell you how much it has enlightened me to look outside myself and see God's word and his laws. I wrote this on the Facebook page of the Bible study group:

"I have been catching up with my reading and caught up today, I have to let you know what God showed me today is that no matter what you think, no matter how bad you feel, God's plan is always good. My best friend has breast cancer and before her 3rd round of chemotherapy this morning her Dr's are telling her that her tumor has all but disappeared. She was a between a 2-3 when diagnosed. Secondly, my youngest daughter took her Nclex-RN Exam on Sunday and was convinced she had not passed, we got the word today that she did indeed pass and is a fully licensed nurse in the great state of Texas! My prayers are always for guidance to understand God's plan, today he showed me that he does answer prayers and he is there putting our prayers in the golden bowls. (Rev: 5:8)"

I have been in church my whole life, but I am just beginning to REALLY study and understand God's word. There are so many everyday things that are in the Bible that I never realized had something to do with one another.  I am actually embarrassed to admit that fact. I was not a good steward when I was younger. I have always known the way to the Father was thru the Son, but I will tell you that it has taken me a lot of years to truly understand. I was always afraid of being labeled a "Bible thump-er". But you know, If that's what I am then so be it. I want to be with my Father in heaven when he calls me home. I want to be reunited with my mother again one day. I know that the way to have every lasting life is -believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved (Acts 16:31).

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