Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Welcome to November, the month where all your friends, co-workers, brothers, boyfriends and every man takes full advantage of "Movember" or "No-Shave November" which for so many men is the pass they wait for all year to let their mustaches and beards go the way of the cave man. Originally it all began in Australia in 2003 as awareness for prostate and testicular cancer. It has now grown to have campaigns in 21 countries. For all you men or for all you women that have a man in your life, Young Living has a entire line of products for you! You can read all about the products here:
Send me a message if you have any questions about any of these products or any of the Young Living Essential Oil line of products.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

We asked, Young Living answered!  Premium Starter Kit with the Home Diffuser are available again!
Message me to find out how to sign up and get this kit for $160.00 plus a 24% discount on all future orders from Young Living Essential Oils. katlag2016@gmail.com

Sunday, April 10, 2016

I'm Back...finally!

What a crazy couple of months. Yes, I dropped off the face of the earth for a while but hopefully I am back.
My plan to cook and show my recipes became so overwhelming I could not keep it up.
So here is the skinny on why everything came to a screeching halt. My son, the Navy Lt., as of March 31 is no longer on active duty and blessed us by coming home with his young family. I am so happy to have my 2 California born grand babies in Texas to bond with and get them turned into proper Texans! Luckily, they are young enough they never even need to know they ever lived any where but the great state of Texas! That being said, I AM EXHAUSTED! I realize why more everyday why God makes it possible for young people to have children. My NingXia Red and my En-R-Gee Essential Oil  have been REALLY come in handy to give me that extra energy boost I need! Come join me in my oily journey! Click on the Young Living tab above to start your healthy oil journey!

Friday, January 8, 2016

1.5.2016 - Sausage

So truly this dinner was nothing to write home about. One of our sons came home from a 3 month trip to Australia and there was just not time to prepare a huge meal. The trick was just getting a meal cooked before he passed out from jet lag.
Seriously, Johnsonville Italian Hot Sausage is what we ate along with Bush's baked beans.

It's a short post but I'm trying to keep this up so give me credit for being able to write a post everyday.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

1.4.2016 - Calzone

So...last night's meal was really so very easy! My Italian husband, loves Calzone! Needless to say, it can be expensive to order out and since I am on a quest to NOT eat out and save money I went looking for a recipe. I don't even know why I needed a recipe, it was so easy! I found the recipe on the Pillsbury website but didn't really do it the same way they did. I pretty much modified it for me.

Here Goes...

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

All you need is a pizza crust, pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese and whatever you want in your Calzone. My Hubs prefers pepperoni and mushroom.
Basically roll out your pizza crust on a cookie sheet. I lined mine with foil to make clean-up easier. Put pizza sauce on half of the crust and add cheese and whatever other toppings you want to add. Fold over the crust on top of the sauce and toppings and pinch edges together.

Cook for 30-35 minutes or until crust is deep golden brown.

                                                    This is what it looks like out of the oven.

And a picture of the inside.

It was REALLY good! And the best part is, Hubs said he liked it and I should definitely make it again!

Monday, January 4, 2016

1.3.2016 - Chicken Soup

It has been cold here, colder than I like. When it gets cold that means it's time for chicken soup.
 My Italian husband's family have made this soup since long before I came into the family. My kids wait for the cold every year because they know it will be time for chicken soup. This recipe is very simple but give yourself 2-3 hours to complete.

Here are the ingredients:

1 whole chicken (make sure you remove the inerds)
1 lb. bag of carrots
2 bunches of celery
1 medium onion
salt and pepper to taste

In a large pot boil and salt water. When water is boiling drop in the whole chicken, let cook for about 45 minutes (depending on size of chicken).
While the chicken is cooking, chop celery, carrots and onions. Set aside until chicken is done.
                                                       Remove chicken from pot.
 Let your chicken cool for a few minutes as to not burn your fingers.

Add vegetables to pot and debone your chicken. Salt and pepper to taste.
Cook until vegis are cooked.

OK. Now, here comes the Italian part!
Boil a pan of water for your Pastina. What is Pastina, you ask? As my nephew calls it, the little pasta balls.
That is basically, exactly what it is. Boil some water and add the amount of Pastina you want to go in your soup. ( I always cook too much, leftovers!)
This is what I usually buy but you can use just about any kind of pasta. Elbow, shells anything small will work.
You can usually find these in the Italian section of the grocery store. There are also some similar ones in the Mexican section.

This much soup makes enough to feed probably 8 people with maybe some leftovers. It really all depends on the size pot you use and how big a chicken and how many vegis you put in also. It is really up to you.

I have put meatballs in my soup before also. It takes a bit longer when you do this but it really is good. I won't put the recipe for meatballs in on this post but if you decide to add them they should only be the size of large marbles.

I hope you enjoy this soup as much as my family does.  Good Luck!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

1.2.2016- Purging

I didn't post yesterday because I was so exhausted from the sheer task of cleaning and throwing out things I have either not used EVER or not used in forever! I really concentrated on one area, the bar. It seems to be our "catch all" in this house! You wouldn't think such a small area would take all day but, trust me when I tell you, it did.

And I'm still not completely done. But even with all that we did not go out to dinner! It was no gourmet meal but it was a home cooked meal just the same. The hubs had steak and I baked myself a chicken breast and we ate leftover Bush's baked beans from New Years Eve. Again, not gourmet, not 4-seasons worthy, but home cooked just the same.

Thats about it for today, the sinus gremlins are pounding away in my head today! Thank goodness for my Young Living Essential oils! They are a life saver when the gremlins move in! If you have any questions about oils click on the Young Living tab at the top of the home page and learn more. You can also find my email info there and send me a email and I will answer any questions you have.
Happy Sunday!

Tomorrow's post will be better! Promise!

Friday, January 1, 2016

1.1.2016 Happy New Year!

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "the plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
Jeremiah 29:11-13

What a great verse to start the new year!

So our new year started out just like every other day...

 Our German Shepherd, Elsa, is OBSESSED with her Chuck-it ball. She is like a clock. Wake up, go out do her business, then it is time for ball playing! This happens at least 3-4 times a day. Again, obsessed! It was then time to do the deed that I know everyone dreads this time of year- take down the Christmas decorations! Ugh! I HATE taking down the decorations! It takes hours! But doesn't it feel great when it's all done? Yes, yes it does! My husband hates this task more than me. He actually every year doesn't even want to put anything up just so we don't have to take it all down! But thankfully he was in a giving mood this morning (or he wants something) and helped me take it all down! Isn't he a sweetheart?

 I have NEVER made New Year's resolutions! Last year I made myself a promise that I would give a set amount each and every week to my church. If I missed a week of church I made up for it the next Sunday by doubling up. It was a small goal I set for myself, no one else but me and God needed to know about my promise. I am proud to say I accomplished my goal and feel pretty good about it. I realize it seems like a small thing but if you knew me and the scatterbrained life I lead you would understand what a big deal this really is. I plan on continuing my giving this year and as long as I live. My mother always told me that writing that check first to the church every month made sure that she had enough to get thru until the end of the month. God will provide to those who trust in him to provide.

I have decided this years goal will be to pay off some debt. That means there will be much more at home meals and me starting to cook again. I feel like I have become a bit lazy since we have become a house of just 2 (down from 7 at one point). We go out waaay to much! Not only is it unhealthy but expensive. So I plan on blogging about different recipes I make this year. I will give props to where ever I find the recipes, whether it be a magazine or Pinterest or my mother-in-law. By the end of the year my goal is to lower our debt by $1000 a month, baring any unforeseen emergencies that could come up (medical, etc.) I don't know if I can pull this off but I am going to really put all I have into it. I am actually going to implement more of my Young Living Essential oils into my cooking, also. I have been afraid of using them but I am really going to put them to use.

So that I can remain completely open and honest, I will not be cooking tonight, We will be having leftovers. Oh, so many leftovers. I tend to over buy at the grocery store. Once again, going from a large family to just the 2 of us is hard!